From January 15th through February 15th, 2022, National Audubon’s Climate Watch program is back! Winter surveys include 12 short point-counts for target species like White-Breasted Nuthatch, Pygmy Nuthatch, and Red-Breasted Nuthatch; species that can often be found in your backyard.
The Climate Watch program aims to document species’ responses to climate change by having volunteers in the field look for birds where Audubon’s climate models predict them to be through the 2020s. Volunteers who complete Climate Watch counts serve a critical role collecting data that will help us understand how birds are responding.
We are excited to help Montana start up its third year of Climate Watch monitoring and have all the resources you need to get started here.
You can learn the step by step process of Climate Watch by going to
Or, tune in Thursday, January 13th, for a presentation by National Audubon partners by registering HERE.
Please email Peter Dudley at [email protected] for more information and to get you set up for the survey.