Action Needed Today!
Stop a bad anti-wolf bill from moving forward
House Bill 279 was introduced into the House Fish, Wildlife & Parks Committee on January 31st. This bill would allow licensed trappers to trap wolves and then be reimbursed with private funds for costs incurred during harvest. This bill amounts to a bounty on wolves, commercializes wildlife, and won’t solve elk or wolf management challenges. Wolves are an ecologically important native species with a liberal, well-regulated harvest season. Reimbursing trappers for costs incurred is a slippery slope and has no place in Montana, a state with sound wildlife management policies already in place.
Let the House FWP Committee know that you will not stand for the commercialization of Montana’s wildlife. Please call members of the House Fish, Wildlife and Parks Committee, and ask them to VOTE NO on HB 279.
Bill: House Bill 279- Reimburse trappers for cost incurred trapping wolves
Status: Up for Executive Action in House Fish, Wildlife and Parks
Montana Audubon Position – Oppose
House Fish, Wildlife, and Parks
Rep. Ross Fitzgerald (R-Fairfield)
Rep. Zac Perry (D-Hungry Horse)
Rep. Robert Farris-Olson (D-Helena)
Rep. John Fuller (R-Kalispell)
Rep. Rhonda Knudsen (R-Culbertson)
Rep. Denley Loge (R-Saint Regis)
Rep. Tyson Runningwolf (D-Browning)
Rep. Bridget Smith (D-Wolf Point)
Rep. Sharon Steward Peregoy (D-Crow Agency)
Rep. Mark Sweeney (D-Philipsburg)