Senate Bill 284: Generally revise county gravel pit permitting
Status: Hearing 03/31/2021; 3:00 PM, Rm 172
Position: Oppose
This bill would remove the requirement for mitigation through the state sage-grouse conservation program for gravel pits permitted by a county. Though the creation of gravel pits can have a number of long-term habitat impacts, this exemption chips away at a strong state conservation program that requires the participation of all stakeholders
Gunderson, Steve (R) ‑ Chair, [email protected], (406) 334-4370
Knudsen, Rhonda (R) ‑ Vice Chair, [email protected], (406) 489-5253
Curdy, Willis (D) ‑ Vice Chair, [email protected], (406) 728-0981
Farris‑Olsen, Robert (D), [email protected], (406) 794-4780
Fielder, Paul (R), [email protected], (406) 210-5943
Fitzgerald, Ross (R), [email protected], (406) 467-2032
France, Tom (D), [email protected], (406) 396-5085
Galloway, Steven (R), [email protected], (406) 727-4963
Gist, Steve (R), [email protected], (406) 231-4050
Malone, Marty (R), [email protected], (406) 223-1302
Marler, Marilyn (D), [email protected], (406) 544-7189
Noland, Mark (R), [email protected], (406) 253-8982
Putnam, Brian ®, [email protected], (406) 233-9463
Walsh, Kenneth (R), [email protected], (406) 684-5624
Weatherwax, Marvin (D), [email protected], (406) 338-7741
Clerk: Jacquelynn Bomgardner, Rm 468,(406) 444‑1596
Staff: Joe Kolman, Rm 171B, (406) 444‑3747
Senate Bill 379: Generally revise coal-fired generation laws
Status: Hearing 03/30/2021; 3:00 PM, Rm 317
Positon: Oppose
Senate Bill 379 would allow current and future owners of coal-fired power assets to fully recover costs for any undepreciated value and remediation expenses from energy consumers. It would also allow the utility to recover market value for new ownership of a coal power asset, even if it was purchased for less than market value, a scenario that brings to mind a now-defunct proposal for NorthWestern to purchase 25% ownership of Unit 4 for from Washington-based Puget Sound Energy for $1. Additionally, SB 379 would direct the PSC to allow the continued operation of coal-fired power plants “until the commission issues an order finding that the closure of the units is in the public interest.”
Ankney, Duane (R) ‑ Chair, (406) 740-0629, [email protected]
Small, Jason (R) ‑ Vice Chair, (406) 690-0923, [email protected]
McNally, Mary (D) ‑ Vice Chair, (406) 671-1376, [email protected]
Cuffe, Mike (R), (406) 293-1247, [email protected]
Gauthier, Terry (R), (406) 461-0744, [email protected]
Kary, Doug (R), (406) 698-1478, [email protected]
Lynch, Ryan (D), (406) 498-6625, [email protected]
Molnar, Brad (R), (406) 794-5982, [email protected]
Morigeau, Shane (D), (406) 546-4290, [email protected]
Pope, Christopher (D), (406) 581-8739, [email protected]
Regier, Keith (R), (406) 756-6141, [email protected]
Sweeney, Mark (D), (406) 560-0171, [email protected]
Tempel, Russ (R), (406) 265-0990, [email protected]
Secretary: Lauren de Paepe, Rm 320, (406) 444‑4618
Staff: Trevor Graff, Rm 171A, (406) 444‑4975
House Bill 599: Generally revise open cut laws
Status: Sitting in Senate Natural Resources Committee
Position: Oppose
HB 599 is a truly radical fundamental re-write of gravel pit laws in a way that would completely cut the public out of the permitting process in nearly every instance. The bill, introduced at the 11th hour, is loaded with flaws, eliminates dozens of requirements for gravel pit operators, and completely excludes notification and involvement of neighboring landowners in most gravel pit permitting processes.
Search here to find your local House Representative and contact them here. Tell them to vote NO on HB 599 during second reading!