New on Montana eBird from our partners at the University of Montana Bird Ecology Lab (UMBEL)- Research in Action: Studying the effects of mine-waste contamination on riparian songbirds in Montana
As a graduate student, Bridger Creel became captivated by the idea that habitat degradation, the primary cause of declining bird populations, isn’t an isolated phenomenon. It is acted on by, and in turn influences, many other stressors, all with individual and combined effects on the species that depend on that habitat.
Bridger is currently a PhD candidate working closely with the University of Montana Bird Ecology Lab on a project that assesses the effects of mine-waste contamination on riparian songbirds, combining aspects of ecology, ecotoxicology, and physiology in their research.
Learn more about Bridger’s research on the Montana eBird website: Research in Action: Studying the effects of mine-waste contamination on riparian songbirds in Montana
Taking a wing chord measurement on a song sparrow nestling—one of several morphometric measurements Bridger collects from nestlings. Photo courtesy of Bridger Creel.