The survival of Greater Sage-Grouse is deeply tied to the availability of healthy sagebrush habitat. A recent report found that 1.3 million acres of functioning sagebrush habitat are lost every year across the West.
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is requesting public input as they work to finalize management plans for more than 67 million acres of public lands where most of the sage-grouse are found. In Montana, the BLM’s proposed plan will greatly impact land use and management in the High Divide area in the Southwest and a large area of core Sage-Grouse habitat in Southern Valley and Phillips counties.
Montana Audubon is working with state and regional partners to educate and mobilize stakeholders and advocate for management actions that will stem the tide of sagebrush habitat loss.
Click on the link below to fill out a form on the National Audubon website to send public comments to the BLM.
The deadline to comment is June 13.
Audubon Alert: Comment on BLM Greater Sage-Grouse Plan
Learn more about Montana Audubon’s work to protect the Greater Sage-Grouse and Sagebrush habitat: Conservation Policy: SagebrushÂ