On November 30, 2017, the Montana Invasive Species Council (MISC) created a formal subcommittee dedicated to invasive woody tree species. The subcommittee was created as an outgrowth of Montana Audubon’s October 2017 Great Falls workshop on invasive salt cedar and Russian olive along Montana’s waterways.
The October workshop was attended by 30 scientists, resource managers, conservation groups, and other stakeholders. Our collective goal is to develop a more coordinated network for management of healthy riparian systems and control of these species. To learn more, and uncover some of the results from this workshop, visit our workshop summary page HERE.
The individuals who participated in our Great Falls workshop will continue to work together under MISC; the MISC subcommittee will focus on invasive woody tree species—initially concentrating on salt cedar and Russian olive, but it may expand to cover other invasive trees. MISC will offer the new group some staff time and a webpage.