Montana Audubon works at the local, state, and national policy levels to protect our natural heritage.
Founded in 1976, Montana Audubon is an independent, statewide conservation organization whose mission is to promote appreciation, knowledge, and conservation of Montana’s native birds, other wildlife, and natural ecosystems and to safeguard biological diversity for current and future generations.
In our vision for the future, we seek to create an environment in which all of Montana’s native bird species have healthy, sustainable populations, ensured by long-term habitat security. Montana Audubon uses science, conservation education, and engages in public policy work to protect our state’s incomparable wildlife and landscapes.
Learn where Audubon chapters are around the state and how to get involved.
If you have questions or comments about our work or anything found on this site, feel free to contact us!
Jobs, opportunities, and how you can get involved with Montana Audubon and the Montana Audubon Center.
Audubon Wildlife Fund mini-grants support education and research projects or activities that focus on the conservation, enhancement, and public appreciation of Montana’s wildlife and natural communities.