We use the best available science to ensure the survival of Montana's birds and other wildlife.
Since 1996, Montana Audubon has awarded grants to organizations in support of research and education projects directed toward wildlife habitat conservation. Funds are awarded from earnings generated by the Audubon Wildlife Fund of Montana, a permanent endowment.
Grants will be awarded to individuals or nonprofit organizations whose project directly benefits wildlife in Montana. The purpose of the Audubon Wildlife Fund is to support research or other activities that focus on the conservation, enhancement and public appreciation of Montana’s wildlife and natural communities.
Eligible uses of grant funds include: mileage, supplies, equipment for schools or nonprofit organizations, printing, and communications. Ineligible uses include: salaries, stipends, per diem, and personal equipment.
Preference will be given to projects involving nongame wildlife, from birds to invertebrates, and their habitats. We encourage proposals that emphasize the significance of the proposed project in regard to its research, educational, and/or recreational value. Preference will be given to small nonprofit organizations, research projects, and graduate students.
Review and scoring of all proposals will be performed by a committee appointed by the Montana Audubon Board of Directors. Grant recipients will be required to submit a brief project report on project status and use of funds to Montana Audubon by October 1, 2025.
Grant winners will be announced in March 2025.