A December 11th, 2018 order by the Trump administration, in the name of “clarifying federal authority” seeks to gut the Clean Water Act by limiting federal protections for most of our nation’s wetlands and millions of miles of rivers and streams. The rule is being proposed to spur development, and reduce expenses for developers, not to protect our clean water. The rule replacement adds up to a repeal of protections for 60 percent of stream miles in America—in addition to most of our nation’s wetlands. Conservationists, anglers, irrigators, recreationists, and all water consumers, should act to defend the Clean Water Rule because it:
It sounds like we cannot remind people enough of just how important water is to us, and the 434 species of birds we share our wetlands, riparian areas, streams and rivers with.
Your opinion matters: please take the time TODAY to send EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler comments to protect the Clean Water Act.
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