Speak Up To Support EPA Funding | Montana Audubon

Montana Audubon

Montana Audubon works at the local, state and national policy levels to protect our natural heritage.

Speak Up To Support EPA Funding

Montanans, you have a VOICE!

Slashing EPA’s budget would be devastating. Let’s tell Washington and our elected officials how the proposed EPA budget cuts, environmental and health protection rollbacks and the outright suppression of scientific data would affect our state and our communities.

Clean air, climate change, public health, Superfund clean-ups, “ brownfield” community investments, public lands management… all this is at risk.

We’ll start with a panel of community leaders and then turn it over to you – give us 2-3 minutes of your thoughts about what these devastating proposals mean to you, your families and your communities, and we’ll make sure our elected officials hear your concerns.

Montana People’s Hearing: What EPA and other environmental budget cuts and protection rollbacks mean to Montana communities

WHO:              You and other concerned Montanans!

WHERE:        Bozeman Public Library – Community Room (620 East Main Street)

WHEN:           Wednesday, July 19, 2017  – 4:00 – 5:30 pm

ALSO:              Green Drinks, sponsored by NRDC, follows at 5:30 at NRDC, 317 E. Mendenhall.

Speakers include:

  • Mayor Carson Taylor
  • Dan Vermillion, fly-fishing guide, business owner and chair of the Montana Fish and Game Commission
  • Andrea Peacock, author of Libby, Montana: Asbestos and the Deadly Silence of an American Corporation
  • Sen. Mike Phillips (D-Bozeman)

Sponsored by: Montana Wildlife Federation, Montana Conservation Voters Education Fund, Clean Air Montana, Environment Montana, Indivisible Upper Yellowstone, Moms Clean Air Force, Montana Audubon, Montana Environmental Information Center, Montana Women For, National Wildlife Federation, Natural Resources Defense Council, Sierra Club, Yellowstone Bend Citizens Council

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