Last fall, Montana Audubon and Audubon-Certified Montana Better Beef Ranch, in Kila, MT, received a grant from the Montana Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) to fund riparian restoration on Truman Creek, which runs through the ranch.
(See: Audubon Conservation Ranching- MT DEQ Funds Truman Creek Restoration at MT Better Beef Ranch | Oct. 18, 2023)
Earlier this month, Montana Audubon staff joined with staff from the Montana DEQ for the first round of biological monitoring in the riparian restoration site. Montana Audubon staff conducted point counts (bird surveys) along the 1,440 ft riparian site, detecting Bullock’s Orioles, Willow Flycatchers, Northern Rough-winged Swallows, Calliope Hummingbirds, Yellow Warblers, Song Sparrows, and more. They also found a Mallard nest, with eggs (see photo). Montana Audubon staff also inventoried native species plantings that had been done by the landowners, including Douglas Fir, Red Osier Dogwood, Black Hawthorn, and Choke Cherry.
The Montana DEQ staff conducted a Bank Erosion Hazard Index, which is used to measure the amount of bank erosion over time, and will be used to track the effectiveness of the restoration activities.
One of the project goals is to construct a bridge across Truman Creek, which will allow for cattle, heavy farm equipment, and machinery to cross over the creek, reducing the amount of sediment in the water. Engineering surveys have been conducted, and bridge construction will start in late summer/early Fall.
Under the supervision of curious cattle, MT DEQ staff record information while standing near the site of the future stock bridge.