In 2024, Montana Audubon organized statewide citizen science surveys for Western and Eastern Screech-Owls. This was the pilot year of these surveys, and 19 volunteers participated.
Citizen science is vital for this survey because it allows researchers and land managers to receive more data on where, when, and how many owls are in specific locations. Answering these questions allows for conservation and land management decisions based on scientific research. Montana Audubon provided multiple in-person and online training sessions for volunteers across the state. Although this survey targeted Screech-Owls, surveyors also recorded any incidental owl species they encountered during their survey. Surveys took place between March 1, 2024, and April 30, 2024.
Read the full post on the Montana eBird website: Citizen Science in Action: 2024 Pilot Survey of Montana’s Screech-Owls
Volunteer recruitment and training for the second season of surveys will begin in early 2025. Visit the Citizen Science page for more information.