In Memoriam: Donald Seibert | Montana Audubon

Montana Audubon

Montana Audubon works at the local, state and national policy levels to protect our natural heritage.

In Memoriam: Donald Seibert

Montana Audubon lost a great friend with the passing of Donald Seibert in late February.

His distinguished 30-year career with the Bureau of Land Management and his extensive knowledge and interest in western wildlife conservation issues made him a perfect fit for Montana Audubon’s Board of Directors, where he served for nine years. He also played a pivotal role in creating and leading an active Development Committee, successfully advocating for the expansion of our endowment funds and encouraging members to financially support our work.

Donald took his volunteer roles seriously and Montana Audubon was lucky enough to be the recipient of his enduring commitment.

He was a great personal friend to many of us — as well as an advocate for Montana Audubon, the greater world of conservation, and global perceptive thinking. Anyone who had the opportunity for in-depth conversation with Donald knew that his calculated reasoning was a delightful journey that would always return you spot-on to the point.

We’ll miss Donald’s passion for wildlife and habitat conservation, as well as his invaluable wisdom, humor, gentle spirit, and insight.

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