Legislative Action Alert: April 8th 2021 | Montana Audubon

Montana Audubon

Montana Audubon works at the local, state and national policy levels to protect our natural heritage.

Legislative Action Alert: April 8th 2021

HB 697, a bill that would have gutted the Habitat Montana program to compensate landowners for crop damage caused by grazing elk, was voted down on April 6th in the house appropriations committee! What a great win for wildlife habitat and public lands for Montana Day! Thank you to our legislators who voted against this bill, which would have been a very poor use of our conservation funding! Send a thank you to the House Appropriations Committee here!


HB 695: Generally revise environmental laws

Status: Scheduled for 3rd Reading on 4/8/2021

Position: Oppose

This bill would allow the collection of fees to submit public comment or comment on Environmental Impact Statements. This extreme bill reads “Each agency of state government charged with the responsibility of issuing a lease, permit, contract, license, or certificate under any provision of state law may adopt rules prescribing fees that must be paid by a person, corporation, partnership, firm, association, or other private entity when an application for a lease, permit, contract, license, or certificate will require an agency to  compile an environmental impact statement as prescribed by 75-1-201”. This is not the way Montana should do business.


Search here to find your local House Representative and contact them here. Tell them to vote NO on HB 695 during the third reading!


HB 302: Require county approval to relocate bison

Status: Headed to the Senate Floor

Position: Oppose

This bill would require approval by a board of county commissioners prior to wild bison or wild buffalo being released into a county. This erodes FWP authority over wildlife and gives too much regulatory authority to county commissioners. County commissions do not have the staff capacity or expertise to make decisions on wild bison conservation.


Search here to find your local Senator and contact them here. Tell them to vote NO on HB 302!


HB 5: Long-Range Building Appropriations

Status: Hearing: 04/09/2021; 8:00 AM, Rm 317

Position: Support

This bill contains funding authorization for FWP’s capital projects, including Habitat Montana, Upland Game Bird Enhancement Program, Migratory Bird Program, Big Horn Sheep Auction Funds and Fishing Access Site Acquisition. Funding for these programs comes from public hunting and fishing license dollars and is earmarked specifically for these programs. Not authorizing them simply means the funds stay in the bank. The funds support conservation and enhancement of critical wildlife habitat, and provide great hunting and fishing access opportunities.


  1. Follow the steps below to contact the Senate Finance and Claims committee HERE.
  • Fill out the form provided.
  • Select Committees (You may have to scroll down to find this)
  • Select (S) Finance and Claims 
  • Select Bill Type (HB) and Bill Number 5
  • Select Support
  • Provide your message, making sure to personalize with your name, hometown and one sentence about your background and concern.
  1. Contact the Senate Finance and Claims Committee directly.

Osmundson, Ryan (R) ‑ Chair,  ryanosmundson@gmail.com, 

Cuffe, Mike (R) ‑ Vice Chair, mcuffe@interbel.net, 

Ellis, Janet (D) ‑ Vice Chair, Janet.Ellis@mtleg.gov

Ankney, Duane (R) , goodwind1.duane@gmail.com, 

Bogner, Kenneth (R) , kenneth.bogner@mtleg.gov, 

Boldman, Ellie (D), EllieMarieBoldman@gmail.com,

Flowers, Pat (D), pat.flowers@mtleg.gov, 

Glimm, Carl, (R) , carl.glimm@mtleg.gov,

Howard, David (R) , David.Howard@mtleg.gov, 

Jacobson, Tom (D) , Tom.Jacobson@mtleg.gov,

Kary, Doug (R) , Doug.Kary@mtleg.gov,

Keenan, Bob (R) , Bob.Keenan@mtleg.gov, 

Lang, Mike (R) , mike.lang@mtleg.gov,

Lynch, Ryan (D) , Ryan.Lynch@mtleg.gov, 

McNally, Mary (D) , Mary.McNally@mtleg.gov,

Morigeau, Shane (D) shane@shaneformt.com

Salomon, Daniel (R) ,  dan.salomon@mtleg.gov, 

Smith, Cary (R) , cary.smith@mtleg.gov, 

Welborn, Jeffrey (R) , Jeff.welborn@mtleg.gov

Secretary: Prudence Gildroy, Rm 322, (406) 444‑4816 

Staff: Kris Wilkinson (LFD), Rm 114, (406) 444-2722 

Staff: Julie Johnson, Rm 122, (406) 444‑4024 

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