As spring draws closer, our legislative team has been busy fighting off bad bills on issues ranging from wildlife management to energy to land preservation and more. Your calls and messages to legislators are helping! Thank you to everyone who has taken our action alerts. We have four more alerts this week: 2 oppose and 2 support. Scroll down for more.
Status: Waiting executive action in House Fish, Wildlife and Parks
Montana Audubon Position: Oppose
SB 314 would take extreme measures including baiting, night hunting and no bag limits in an extreme attempt to drive wolf numbers down to a bare minimum number. It’s unneeded when we have a sound wolf season and already have the tools with the Fish and Wildlife Commission to manage the population.
Status: Waiting executive action in House Fish, Wildlife and Parks
Montana Audubon Position: Oppose
This bill allows wolf hunters and trappers to be reimbursed for costs incurred while hunting and trapping wolves. It allows the reimbursement of receipts for the costs and amounts to a bounty on wolves. No other wildlife harvest community expects or requests such fringe benefits.
Fitzgerald, Ross (R) ‑ Chair, [email protected], (406) 467-2032
Duram, Neil (R) ‑ Vice Chair, [email protected], (406) 471-2356
Farris‑Olsen, Robert (D) ‑ Vice Chair, [email protected], (406) 794-4780
Berglee, Seth (R), [email protected], (406) 690-9329
Fielder, Paul (R), [email protected], (406) 210-5943
France, Tom (D), [email protected], (406) 396-5085
Hinkle, Jedediah (R), [email protected], (406) 585-0722
Knudsen, Rhonda (R), [email protected], (406) 489-5253
Loge, Denley (R), [email protected], (406) 649-2368
Marler, Marilyn (D), [email protected], (406) 544-7189
Mitchell, Braxton (R), [email protected], (406) 314-9474
Novak, Sara (D), [email protected], (406) 691-0069
Phalen, Bob (R), [email protected], (406) 939-1187
Putnam, Brian (R), [email protected], (406) 233-9463
Reksten, Linda (R), [email protected], (406) 471-8359
Running Wolf, Tyson (D), [email protected], (406) 845-2115
Seekins‑Crowe, Kerri (R), [email protected], (406) 208-6587
Weatherwax, Marvin (D), [email protected], (406) 338-7741
Clerk: Joanne Kauzlarich, Rm 451, (406) 444‑2554
Staff: Hope Stockwell, Rm 171C, (406) 444‑9280
Status: 3/19/2021; 3:00 PM, RM 172 (H) Nat Res
Montana Audubon Position: Support
This bill proposes a new funding structure for the Sage Grouse Stewardship Act that includes sharing administrative expenses between Fish, Wildlife & Parks and the Department of Natural Resources and Conservation and putting a $25,000 cap on MSGOT meeting costs while keeping the makeup of MSGOT the same.
Gunderson, Steve (R) ‑ Chair, [email protected], (406) 334-4370
Knudsen, Rhonda (R) ‑ Vice Chair, [email protected], (406) 489-5253
Curdy, Willis (D) ‑ Vice Chair, [email protected], (406) 728-0981
Farris‑Olsen, Robert (D), [email protected], (406) 794-4780
Fielder, Paul (R), [email protected], (406) 210-5943
Fitzgerald, Ross (R), [email protected], (406) 467-2032
France, Tom (D), [email protected], (406) 396-5085
Galloway, Steven (R), [email protected], (406) 727-4963
Gist, Steve (R), [email protected], (406) 231-4050
Malone, Marty (R), [email protected], (406) 223-1302
Marler, Marilyn (D), [email protected], (406) 544-7189
Noland, Mark (R), [email protected], (406) 253-8982
Putnam, Brian ®, [email protected], (406) 233-9463
Walsh, Kenneth (R), [email protected], (406) 684-5624
Weatherwax, Marvin (D), [email protected], (406) 338-7741
Clerk: Jacquelynn Bomgardner, Rm 468, (406) 444‑1596
Staff: Joe Kolman, Rm 171B, (406) 444‑3747
Status: Waiting executive action in House Agriculture
Montana Audubon Position: Support
HB 410 would require the Department of Agriculture to included an assessment of the impacts of neonicotinoids on pollinators, development of a proposal to create and enhance pollinator nesting and foraging habitat, including the establishment of pollinator reserves or refuges, and recommendations for best management practices and habitat restoration guidelines for pollinator habitat.
Kassmier, Joshua (R) ‑ Chair, (406) 781-5386, [email protected]
Dooling, Julie (R) ‑ Vice Chair, (406) 471-4125, [email protected]
Olsen, Andrea (D) ‑ Vice Chair, (406) 543-2666, [email protected]
Anderson, Fred (R), (406) 761-4042, unavailable email
Beard, Becky (R), (406) 492-6590, [email protected]
Binkley, Michele (R), (406) 375-0291, [email protected]
Curdy, Willis (D), (406) 728-0981, [email protected]
Funk, Moffie (D), (406) 461-6785, [email protected]
Knudsen, Casey (R), (406) 390-0274, unavailable email
Ler, Brandon (R), (406) 480-5687, [email protected]
Malone, Marty (R), (406) 223-1302, [email protected]
Marshall, Ron (R), (406) 579-9498, [email protected]
McKamey, Wendy (R), (406) 866-3300, unavailable email
Smith, Frank (D), (495) 942-0615, [email protected]
Sullivan, Katie (D), (406) 616-3914, [email protected]
Walsh, Kenneth (R), (406) 684-5624, [email protected]
Whiteman Pena, Rynalea (D), (406) 477-8717, [email protected]
Clerk: Jacquelynn Bomgardner, Rm (406) 468, 444‑1596
Staff: Cori Hach, Rm 129, (406) 444‑6857