Montana 2018-2019 Legislative Session Voting Record | Montana Audubon

Montana Audubon

Montana Audubon works at the local, state and national policy levels to protect our natural heritage.

Montana 2018-2019 Legislative Session Voting Record

The following report and voting record summarizes Montana Audubon’s legislative priorities and outcomes during the 66th Montana Legislature. Our energy was focused on wildlife and habitat protection, wildlife program funding, public lands, subdivisions and land-use, clean-energy and climate change solutions, and general environmental protection; all issues significantly impacting Montana’s environmental health and habitat quality.

Please review your representatives votes, and if they were champions for our issues thank them with a call or email. If not, it is important to voice your concerns. Please share this record with others and keep the results in mind the next time you vote.

2019 Legislative Session Voting Record and Report

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