Raptor events | Montana Audubon

Birds & Science

We use the best available science to ensure the survival of Montana's birds and other wildlife.


Raptor events

Bridger Raptor Festival

Unfortunately, the popular Bridger Raptor Festival, an annual event held in and around Bozeman is canceled for October 2020. The festival, which is free to the public, centers around a raptor migration count of the largest known Golden Eagle migration in the United States which takes place at the Bridger Bowl ski area in the Gallatin National Forest just north of Bozeman. The event is the first weekend in October, and we will be there in 2021 to share our raptor identification expertise with the community. We look forward to the return of this event!

For more information see website: raptorfest.bridgerbowl.com

Flathead Audubon Birds of Prey Festival

This year’s Birds of Prey Festival was held online.

For more information see website: flatheadaudubon.org

Montana Audubon Raptor ID Course

September 2021 dates TBD

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